Special MTAA Board Meeting 10:00 AM
Monday, December 12, 2022 (Via ZOOM Meeting)
(The ZOOM meeting will be available at approximately 9:55 AM)

The meeting will be conducted via a Zoom meeting and it will be accessible as listed below:


Meeting ID: 844 8522 9091

Passcode: 299034

   Download Agenda Packet

  1.  Inquire if Notification was given to all Requesting Notification of MTAA Board Meetings.
  2. Adopt Agenda.
  3. Consider Approval of Bid Received for Construction of Passenger Boarding Bridge at Topeka Regional Airport.
  4. Consider Approval of MTAA Resolution No. 22-285 Authorizing the Acceptance of Grant Offer No. 3-20-0082-023-2022 (BIL) and No. 3-20-0082-024-2022 (CARES Act) Through Federal Aviation Administration for Philip Billard Airport Terminal Building Construction.
  5. Consider Approval of MTAA Resolution No. 22-285 Authorizing the Acceptance of Grant Offer No. 3-20-0113-044-2022 (BIL) Through Federal Aviation Administration for Topeka Regional Airport Passenger Boarding Bridge.

metropolitan topeka airport authority
topeka regional airport & business center
6510 SE Forbes Ave., ste. 1, topeka, ks 66619-1446