MTAA Bidding Opportunities
The MTAA occasionally solicits proposals, bids, and qualifications on projects. Please check the list below for current bidding opportunities.
Soliciting Bids for Asphalt Patching
Bids are being solicited for asphalt patching needs at Forbes Field for the Metropolitan Topeka Airport Authority. There are two areas that need milled and filled with 3" mill (asphalt). The areas measure 180' long by 30' wide and 10' by 10'. Please provide a quote by Monday, September 16th at 10:00 am CST to Laura Hartley at
RFQ for On-Call Engineering Services
We are soliciting Statements of Qualifications to provide a multi-year on-call aviation architectural and engineering services for a period of five years.
All Proposals must be submitted no later than 3:00 pm CDT on Monday, September 16, 2024.