Taxi Services:
Capital City Taxi (785) 267-3777
Yellow Cab (785) 357-4444
Jet-A-Way CaféJet-A-Way Cafe
Hours: Open 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday thru Saturday
The Jet-A-Way Café, located at Topeka Regional Airport, provides an up-close view of action at the airport while also serving barbeque in a diner-like setting. The Jet-A-Way Café welcomes those who work at Topeka Regional Airport as well as visitors who want to grab a bite to eat. The food includes barbecue ribs, pulled pork, brisket and turkey. But if you're craving something you don't see on the menu, just ask. The cooks are happy to make what you want, including a variety of breakfast items.
Hangar space is available. Call (785) 862-2362 for more information.