Special MTAA Board Meeting 1:00 PM
Friday, June 25, 2021 (Via Conference Call)
(The conference call will be available at approximately 12:55 PM)
To join the call:
1. Call the Dial-in Number: 1-701-802-5228
2. Enter the Conference Code: 6583093#
3. State your name followed by #
4. Please announce your arrival
- Inquire if Notification was given to all Requesting Notification of MTAA Board Meetings.
- Adopt Agenda.
- Motion to Waive One-day Notice of Special Meeting Pursuant to Section 3. of the MTAA Bylaws.
- Consider Approval of MTAA Resolution No. 21-276 Authorizing the Acceptance of the AIP Grant Offer #3-20-0113-039-2021 Through Federal Aviation Administration.